Researcher and lecturer at Gothenburg University, Sweden
Currently doing research and writing a book on female ejaculation/squirting, based on interviews conducted in Rwanda and Sweden.
Follow my research on instagram @jessicapafs
I also give talks on squirting/female ejaculation/fontänorgasm - contact me to book a talk!
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A sexual superpower or a shame? Women’s diverging experiences of squirting/female ejaculation in Sweden
Påfs, J.
Sexualities 2021 Sep 2. doi:10.1177/13634607211041095. -
Damaged genitals — Cut women's perceptions of the effect of female genital cutting on sexual function. A qualitative study from Sweden
Jordal, M., Påfs, J., Wahlberg, A., et al.
Frontiers in Sociology. 2022 Aug 12. doi: 10.3389/fsoc.2022.943949. -
Swedish gynecologists’ positioning in relation to clitoral reconstruction after female genital cutting. a qualitative interview study
Jordal, M., Levin, L., Påfs, J., et al.
International Journal of Sexual Health. 2021 Dec 11. doi: 10.1080/19317611.2020.1853301. -
Implementing the Liberalized Abortion Law in Kigali, Rwanda: Ambiguities of Rights and Responsibilities Among Health Care Providers
Påfs J., Rulisa S., Klingberg-Allvin M., et al.
Midwifery. 2020 Jan 80. doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2019.102568. -
Pricking in the African Diaspora: Current Evidence and Recurrent Debates
Wahlberg, A., Påfs, J. & Jordal, M.
Current Sexual Health Reports volume 11, pages95–101(2019) doi: 10.1007/s11930-019-00198-8. -
Beyond the numbers of maternal near-miss in Rwanda - a qualitative study on women's perspectives on access and experiences of care in early and late stage of pregnancy
Påfs J, Musafili A, Binder-Finnema P, et al.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2016 Sep 2;16:257. doi: 10.1186/s12884-016-1051-4. -
'You try to play a role in her pregnancy' - a qualitative study on recent fathers' perspectives about childbearing and encounter with the maternal health system in Kigali, Rwanda
Påfs J, Rulisa S, Musafili A, et al.
Glob Health Action. 2016 Aug 25;9:31482. doi: 10.3402/gha.v9.31482. -
'They would never receive you without a husband': Paradoxical barriers to antenatal care scale-up in Rwanda
Påfs J, Musafili A, Binder-Finnema P, et al.
Midwifery. 2015 Dec;31(12):1149-56. doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2015.09.010. -
The Quest for Maternal Survival in Rwanda: Paradoxes in Policy and Practice from the Perspective of Near-Miss Women, Recent Fathers and Healthcare Providers
Påfs J - Uppsala University Thesis
Intervjuad i Vasabladet
Jessica från Vasa forskar kring den mytomspunna fontänorgasmen – Det är en naturlig del av den kvinnliga sexualiteten
Intervjuad i Hufvudstadsbladet
Fontänorgasmer tjusar och missförstås
Interviewed in the podcast Savage Lovecast, Episode 833
The Science of Squirting
Interviewed in Sciences et Avenir
Femmes fontaines : on sait enfin d'où vient le liquide qu'elles produisent
Interviewed in NewScientist
Female emission at orgasm confirmed to release fluid from the bladder
Intervjuad i vetenskapspodcasten Besserwisser, UR
Kvinnors orgasmer
Intervjuad i Aftonbladet
Fem kvinnor: Så är det att få en fontänorgasm
Intervjuad i Göteborgsposten
Fontänorgasm väcker både skam och förundran
Intervjuad i podcasten Alla Våra Ligg
149. En studie i Squirting
Reportage av RFSU
Med fokus på fontänorgasm